
Now is time to plan for fires

We are excited about bringing you this new column about local equine activities and current issues.

The Romero fire this summer and subsequent disasters in the news have brought to light the need for equine owners to create evacuation plans for their animals. At our September monthly meeting, architect and disaster-planning expert Terry Brown of CHAMP spoke about the Village of Corrales animalevacuation plan he created, Saving Animals From Emergencies (SAFE), and the importance of each owner creating a plan for moving horses and other equines to safety in case of disaster.

A successful evacuation plan requires that large-animal owners prepare in advance. This includes ensuring that your horse can reliably load in a trailer, keeping this vehicle in good working order, having your animal’s registration and health papers handy, preparing an equine emergency kit, and tagging your halters with name and phone number. Taking these simple steps can make the process smoother at a time of high stress for both owner and animal. Winter offers a good opportunity to make preparations and create a plan.

You can find more information at the CHAMP website: www.champnm. com. We invite you to attend one of our meetings, held the last Wednesday of every month, and to consider joining CHAMP. Our January meeting will look at the problem of unwanted horses and what to do with them. Guest speakers will attend from the New Mexico Livestock Board and the New Mexico Board of Veterinary Medicine.